Below Are 6 Videos
of 'Local Shoppers' On Assignments...

In Sacramento... From Target to Nordstrom's... And 3 Stores In Between.
Follow One 'Local Shopper' As She Does 5 Assignments... In 1 Afternoon!!!!

On The House! Checking In At Holiday Inn...
Be Paid To Sleep Over... 2 Rooms For You AND Your Quests!

From Hollywood to Bollywood... 'Local Shoppers' Are Everywhere!

'Local Shoppers' Around The World... 60,000 In Australia Alone!

Diane Sawyer...
"There Are 1 MILLON 'Local Shoppers' In America"!

MSNBC- Who's Watching 'Your Back' At You Favorites Stores...
Your Undercover Daytime 007's Are Actually 'Local Shoppers'!!