Local Shoppers Network


There Are So Many Stores To Check...
1,217 Assignments To Complete This Month Alone.

We Are Swamped!

Dear Future Secret Shopper,

   How would you like to make $25 to $75 for every hours worth
of shopping... in your spare time as a local “Secret Shopper”?

   In today’s business world, there’s a high demand for "Secret Shoppers". How much you make depends on how much time you put in each week, shopping at your Local Brand Name Stores.


   There are thousands of Brand Name Stores across America such as Electronics Stores, Supermarkets, Appliance Stores, Clothing Stores, and Restaurants etc... that monitor weekly, how well a customer is treated and likes their Store.

   And each Store needs “Secret Shoppers” to go on free shopping sprees every week. This is where you come in. To find out how friendly their Employees are, how clean their Store is and how fast you get waited on, they rely on “Secret Shoppers” like you!

   We are now enrolling 14 interested persons, like yourself, in your region of the country. No prior experience is required to be one of them. If you are neat and responsible, you can get paid for shopping at your Local Brand Name Stores!

But you must enroll today... or the opening
in your area will be given to another Shopper.


   You can even get free merchandise. This simply means that –
 The Stores Pay For Everything You Buy... And You Get To Keep It! From TV’s to clothes, shoes, food and more!

   The possibilities are endless because, every time that you do a Shopping Assignment, you MUST act like a REAL Customer and always take Merchandise with you when you leave the Store!

   No experience is needed. You don’t ever have to buy anything with your own money! Local Brand Name Stores who want you as a “Secret Shopper” will supply you with everything you need.

   You'll never have to search for Stores who will pay you to shop. The Businesses that you will shop for, will contact you directly by sending you an Assignment Notification in the mail or by Email.

   If you are sincerely interested in Getting Paid To Shop, once you have completed your Registration Process, I will let you Download immediately, our special “Secret Shopper's Quick-Start Package” to help you get started now!

   Local Shoppers Network will provide you with everything necessary for you to make a lifetime of income, as a “Secret Shopper”, now and no matter where you move in the future.

© 2007 LSN - All Rights Reserved - A Division of Local Shoppers Network
Corporate Headquarters - Harvard Boulevard - City Los Angeles CA 90027